What is Clean Production Action?

We focus on chemicals because they are at the core of our material economy. Unfortunately hazardous chemicals found in everyday products, homes, workplaces and communities are causing long term human health and environmental impacts. 

Clean Production Action’s mission is to design and deliver strategic solutions for green chemicals, sustainable materials, and environmentally preferable products. Our tools simplify the complexity of reducing the chemical footprint of hazardous chemicals. Our collaborations provide effective platforms for practitioners and thought leaders to work together in advancing safer chemicals and healthy materials. Business, non-profit, investment, government, and academic leaders are using our tools – GreenScreen and Chemical Footprint Project – and engaging in our BizNGO collaboration to create a safer and healthier tomorrow for people and the planet.


Our BizNGO Working Group for Safer Chemicals and Sustainable Materials (BizNGO) is a unique collaboration of business and environmental leaders working together to define and implement the leading edge in safer chemicals and sustainable materials. 

Learn more about BizNGO

Chemical Footprint Project

The mission of the Chemical Footprint Project is to transform global chemical use by measuring and disclosing data on business progress to safer chemicals. It provides an internal assessment survey for companies to benchmark their efforts in reducing their chemical footprint.

Learn more about Chemical Footprint Project

GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals

GreenScreen is a globally recognized tool designed to assess and benchmark chemicals based on hazard.  Companies and governments use GreenScreen benchmark scores to  identify chemicals of concern to human health and the environment, select safer alternatives, and to track and communicate their progress. GreenScreen criteria and guidance are fully transparent and available for anyone to use.

Learn more about GreenScreen®


The Investor Environmental Health Network (IEHN) is a membership-based, investor collaborative that promotes the use of safer chemicals to enhance shareholder value, public health, and the environment. IEHN recognizes that a company’s brand reputation, public trust, and market share are linked to the environmental and human health risks and safety of its products. Through direct corporate engagement IEHN members advance solutions and strategies to transform business practices through strategic tools and partnerships that include the Chemical Footprint Project. 

Learn more about IEHN


Clean Production Action is a partner of the Collaboratory for a Regenerative Economy (CoRE), and a fiscal sponsor and member organization of the Cancer Free Economy Network (CFEN).

Learn more about our collaborations

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