7th Chemical Footprint Project Report

Walmart, Whole Foods Market, Grove Collaborative, Clorox, and Ecolab are first-time Frontrunners in 7th Chemical Footprint Project Report

For Immediate Release: December 3, 2024 Contact: Kayla Powers, kayla@cleanproduction.org, t) +1 781.391.6743 x120 SOMERVILLE, MA—The 7th Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) Report released today by Clean Production Action documents how some of the largest companies in the world with $1.2 trillion in annual revenue reduced their chemical footprints, use of chemicals of high concern, by 132.9 million pounds (60.3 million kilograms)—a weight equivalent to 226 Airbus A380s (the… …

Groundbreaking Certification Eliminates Waste and Shifts the Food Service Market to Reusables

GreenScreen Certified® for Reusable Food Packaging, Service Ware, & Cookware

OAKLAND, CA - Today, nonprofit organizations Center for Environmental Health (CEH) and Clean Production Action (CPA) unveiled a new certification program that will eliminate toxic chemicals and waste created by single-use foodware materials. The GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Reusable Food Packaging, Food Service Ware, & Cookware fulfills the growing consumer demand for products with preferred chemistry and less waste. Globally, we are grappling with a plastic pollution crisis with… …

6th CFP Report Released

Companies with over $1 trillion in annual revenue report the reduction of 83 million pounds/38 million kilograms of hazardous chemicals in the 6th Chemical Footprint Project Report Their leadership demonstrates progress towards meeting the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Download the Report Somerville, Massachusetts, USA: Today, Clean Production Action released the 6th Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) Report. The CFP is the first-of-its-kind initiative… …

Clean Production Action releases first-ever GreenScreen Certified®  Standard for the health care sector

New tool will enable hospital purchasers to easily identify environmentally preferable medical equipment and supplies

Contact: Kayla Williams Phone: +1.781.391.6743 x 120 Email: kayla@cleanproduction.org Somerville, MA, October 19, 2022 —Today the nonprofit Clean Production Action unveiled the first GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices, laying out detailed criteria equipment manufacturers must meet to prove that their products do not contain chemicals with known negative impacts to human health and the environment. Developed by a diverse stakeholder group, including… …

With regulatory risks on the rise for toxic chemicals, investors commend discount retailers Five Below and Dollar General for new commitments to chemical safety

SOMERVILLE, Mass.: The Presbyterian Church (U.S.) and Trinity Health withdrew shareholder resolutions in response to Dollar General’s and Five Below’s commitments to expand and improve chemical safety programs. This comes at a time when retailers are under increasing regulatory pressure to remove toxic chemicals from consumer products. Since 2018, 38 states have adopted 257 policies to limit and in some cases ban chemicals in products ranging from baby bottles to personal care… …

Clearya and GreenScreen Certified® Team Up to Shift Market Away From Toxic Chemicals in Foodware

OAKLAND, CA – Today nonprofit organizations Center for Environmental Health (CEH) and Clean Production Action (CPA) announced a partnership with the Google Chrome extension and mobile app Clearya on the GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Food Service Ware. GreenScreen Certified® is a groundbreaking certification program that sets a new safety standard for everyday items like disposable plates and bowls that do not contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) “forever… …

First-of-Its-Kind Certification Eliminates Harmful PFAS in Foodware and Shifts Market to Preferred Alternatives

OAKLAND, CA -  Today, nonprofit organizations Center for Environmental Health (CEH) and Clean Production Action (CPA) unveiled the GreenScreen Certified™ Standard for Food Service Ware. The groundbreaking certification program sets a new safety standard for everyday items like disposable plates and bowls that do not contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) plus thousands of other chemicals of concern. PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” because they take… …

GreenScreen Certified® for Cleaners & Degreasers in Manufacturing launched

Promoting innovation in safer chemicals use in the global electronics sector and beyond

Somerville, MA—Today, Clean Production Action released GreenScreen Certified® for Cleaners & Degreasers in Manufacturing to promote safer chemical use and innovation in the electronics sector and beyond. Industrial cleaners and degreasers account for some of the highest use materials in the electronics sector and are under increasing scrutiny from regulators and environmental health and safety organizations. Clean Production Action developed the new certification with Apple, a… …

Press Release: New GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Furniture & Fabrics meets specifications for healthy materials in furnishings

Somerville, MA—Today, Clean Production Action released the GreenScreen Certified® Standard for Furniture & Fabrics to meet growing demands for certified environmentally preferable products in healthcare and beyond. Products covered by the new GreenScreen Certified® Standard include desk systems, seating, accessories, case work, upholstery fabric, window treatments, and wall coverings. “GreenScreen Certified® for Furniture & Fabrics is highly protective of human… …

CVS Health, Vizient, Inc., and Rhode Island Treasury join the Chemical Footprint Project

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DATE CONTACT: Alison Poor, 781-391-6743x110, Clean Production Action Increasing the momentum for companies to measure and report on their chemical management programs Somerville, MA—Clean Production Action is pleased to announce three new Signatories to the Chemical Footprint Project: CVS Health, Vizient, Inc. and Rhode Island Treasury. Increasingly businesses, governments, investors, retailers, and purchasers are recognizing the potential for adverse effects caused… …